So let's do a couple catch ups!
Day 16 to THIRTY:
When I was 16 I was lucky enough to go on exchange program to Paris!! Yes Paris at 16 for a month.... just as insane as it sounds. The girls I traveled with were amazing, I have these memories that will always be with me. Paris is my favorite city in the world (so far) and I think that is because it was my first true love. It gave me the appetite to travel, to love fashion (you wouldn't know that by this lovely ensemble I know) and most importantly it gave me independence at a young age. The year was 1999 the cusp of the new millennium, and the world was mine! I was 16 life was perfect.

Day 14 to THIRTY:
I entered high school. Being 14 felt like you were no longer a little kid, but you were an adult. I was in high school. Pretty sure I thought I knew everything. I would lose friends this year you had since I was 5, I would meet people whom to this day are still close friends. I fully remember when this picture was taken I looked amazing in my brown Cover Girl lipstick. When I got this id all I could say was I thought I looked like a cocker legit, that is what I thought.
I would tell my 14 year old self now to study a little harder, party no less than you did and to always smile cause life right now, you have it! OWN IT.
As of today is Day 10... almost there!!!! Final home stretch!!! In honor of this day I will list 10 'material' things I cannot live without. Cause family and friends are a given ;)
1. Mascara, daily must have makeup
2. Havaianas flip flops, never will buy another pair of flip flops, EVER
3. Clinique moisturizer, amazing for my skin, keeping my wrinkles away
4. my passport, nuh said
5. Reebok runners, never worn another brand
6. Bananas, they are my favorite fruit
7. My Tivo/DVR, he, yes he is a he, is my favorite boyfriend ever lol
8. Starbucks, my Americano Misto is by far my favorite espresso coffee bevy
9. My figure skates, they have taken me round and round in life and most importantly was my first passion
10. my cell phone, cliche as that sounds, but nowadays I think we all can relate. Just wish my BB had Instagram so I can see life through the new modern 'rose coloured glasses' view point!
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